About Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy is a holistic healing modality that uses sound vibration and frequencies to bring the body, mind and spirit back to its natural state of harmony.
Sound Therapy is used to relieve stress, anxiety, release emotions, balance our energy centers, harmonizing our bio-field around our bodies, promoting states of peace and calm.
The Science of Sound
Sound therapy works through brainwave entrainment, sympathetic resonance and by balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
The vibration of sound will entrain our brainwaves which will cause the body to respond in certain way e.g. triggering relaxation response (activating the parasympathetic nervous system).
Sound therapy have the potential of entraining brainwaves into alpha and theta states and activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, our body functions better (rest and digest state) and our mind is more calm, clear and coherent.
Sound is also conducted through water. Our body is made of 70% water so vibrational waves of sound will also travel through our bodies using water as medium.
About Brainwaves
Different brainwaves are associated with different states. Brainwaves are measured in hertz.
Delta (0.5 to 4 Hz) : Deep sleep (dreamless sleep state), unconscious state. Healing can occur when we are completely unconscious.
Theta (4 - 7 Hertz): Deep meditative state. Great state for hypnosis, open for suggestion, re-programming. Spiritual connection., intuitive guidance and creativity. Super conscious.
Border between Alpha and Theta (7.8 Hertz): It is believed to be the optimum frequency for healing, in between 2 worlds, altered state of awareness, deeply attuned to the frequency of the Earth.
Alpha (8 -12 Hertz): Relaxed stated of consciousness and light meditation. Creativity, hypnosis and healing are associated with this state. Bridge between conscious and unconscious. First thing in the morning when we wake up and just before we sleep. Subconscious.
Beta (13 - 39Hertz): Conscious and awake states. Problem solving, active conversation. High beta brain waves (around 20Hz) are associated with stress and anxiety.
Gamma (above 40 Hertz): Expanded consciousness, mystical experiences. Can be accesses through deep breathwork. Super conscious.
Sound Healing Contra Indications
Pregnant women are advised to be cautious specially during the first 12 weeks and should avoid placing instruments on the body.
People that have sound induced epilepsy due to potential seizures
People that have stents, pacemakers or shunt should not place instruments directly to the body however it is ok to participate to sound healing sessions as long as instruments are played 20 cm of distance.